Can paper industry be sustainable?

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     Can cutting trees clean the air? Taking down a forest area is equivalent to emiting tons of CO2, whereas reforesting this very same area is said to clean the atmosphere. The paper industry regrows fields of forest used to produce wood and paper, and the growing trees absorb CO2, doing the carbon sequestration, but can paper industry really balance its waste?

    The plantation should clean more than polute. While it's growing, a forest absorbs much more CO2 than when it reaches maturity, thus the young trees are said to be better to air quality.

    The paper industry guarantees that there are always trees covering its fields; while it's cutting a forest lot to produce paper, another one is standing and breathing CO2. The 21 millions of tons of CO2 that paper industry emits is countered by 64 millions of tons of CO2 absorbed by its trees.

Alternatives to paper


    While nearly 30% of readers are preferring ebooks or would like to own an ebook device, over 70% still prefer good old paper books, reporting to take pleasure in holding a printed copy and turning its pages.

Plastic paper

    Whereas the trees are a renewable resource, the paper is not infinite; it's not possible to recycle it aternally because its fibers wear out.

    Claiming to be a solution to it, there's the infinite book, whose pages are made of plastic and printed with non-polluting ink. Its sheets sound like playing cards when leafing through them. When it's not being used anymore, the print can be erased and printed with another content. For that, the sheets are heated and submitted to a specific cleaning process.


SuperInteressante Magazine. Green Ed. 299. December, 2011. (print)

SuperInteressante Magazine. Green Ed. 286. December, 2010. (print)

SuperInteressante Magazine. Ed. 270. October, 2009. (print)


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